Wednesday, June 18, 2014


A lot of time has passed since I last updated this blog.  I apologize and will quickly recap!  Most proudly and importantly, I finished up my Beginning Women's Farmer class in May 2013 and loved it!  It was one of the best courses I've ever taken.  I learned so much and met such wonderful unique independent women, it was awesome.  This class gave me the confidence to leap forward in pursuing our dream and now goal of living on a working farm.  This class helped me discover with Bob, is that it's a goal we both share.  I love feeding off of his enthusiasm, and vise versa.  It's something to share and learn and debate and oh fun! 
In 2013, I sold jams and seasonal veggies at a small farm stand co-operated with a neighbor and jams at numerous craft fairs throughout the season.  I realized I love attending craft fairs, they attract a good group of people, both vendors and customers alike.  Therefore, my 2014 goal is to get into a farmer's market along with attending some of my favorite craft fairs too.  The best of both worlds!
The challenge is that I'm very much behind schedule this year due to an injury.  Despite having all of these great aspirations to hit the ground running early this year, being on crutches has slowed me down.  I can't get in the garden, can barely crutch in the yard, it's a bummer all around.  While it's disappointing and heartbreaking, the only thing I can do is heal up and go from there.  This seems to be one of those situations where despite all of your best plans, life happens.  So life, once I heal up, watch out!    

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